Pacific Northwest Resources
Here are links to Northwest Organizations, Choruses and Quartets;
- Evergreen District - Barbershop Harmony Society
Alaska, British Columbia, Alberta, Washington, and parts of Idaho, Montana, and Oregon - Evergreen District's History - new website for keeping memories alive.
- Evergreen District's YouTube Channel - many 100's of performances from EVG quartets and choruses!
- North by Northwest Region 13 - Sweet Adelines International
Alaska, Washington, and parts of Idaho, Montana, and Oregon - Region 26 - Sweet Adelines International
British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory and Nunavut - Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association
North America
Links to organizations around the world Other related organization
What is barbershop?
- Barbershop Harmony Society
- Sweet Adelines International
- Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association
- Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association
Links to organizations around the world Other related organization
- Sing Canada Harmony: Keep Canada singing! Scholarships for youth in Canada.
- Bud Leabo Memorial Fund: supports innovative barbershop projects in the Northwest
- Greater Seattle Choral Consortium: promotes choral arts in the greater Seattle area
- National Association for Music Education (MENC)
- The Art of Possibility video excerpt
What is barbershop?